The Art of Friendship
Passage: Proverbs 17:17
The Bible is not primarily concerned with how we get to heaven, although that is important. Jesus prayed that God’s kingdom would come “on earth as it is in heaven.” God’s word is equally concerned with the way we live today. To live well, we need what the Bible calls wisdom – the art of living skillfully. Wisdom equips us in honoring our parents, raising children, handling money, conducting our sexual lives, eating and drinking, relating to others, going to work, and in all of these areas, responding to God’s truth and love. The book of Proverbs is filled with God-given wisdom intended to guide us in developing this art of skillful living. Join us for our sermon series Living Well: A Proverbs Series. This week Kennerly King, director of spiritual formation preached on “The Art of Friendship” from Proverbs 17:17.