14 Apr

Power in Weakness

Passage: Matthew 6:9-13 and 1 Peter 5:8-9

Speaker: Patrick King

Series: Teach Us to Pray

Prayer is something most of us do. It can revive us, giving us great comfort and peace. It can also unsettle us, exposing and confronting us in ways that shake our souls. In prayer we are found in the presence of God, our Creator. We listen, we celebrate, we speak, we ask, and we wait all before the throne of our living God. Praying is easy enough for a young child to do, but challenging enough that we never stop learning as faithful practitioners. Jesus’s closest followers asked him to teach them how to pray. In our current sermon series, we want to join the disciples in asking Jesus to teach us to pray. We will listen in as Jesus teaches, equips, and even provides words for his followers in the Lord’s Prayer.