08 Oct

Spiritual Depression

Passage: 1 Kings 19:1-14

“The depressed don’t simply need to feel better. They need a Redeemer who says, ‘Take heart, my son, my daughter; what you really need has been supplied. Life no longer need be about your goodness, success, righteousness, or failure. I’ve given you something infinitely more valuable than good feelings: your sins are forgiven.’” —Elise M. Fitzpatrick, The Gospel Cure 

“I find myself frequently depressed–perhaps more so than any other person here. And I find no better cure for that depression than to trust in the Lord with all my heart, and seek to realize afresh the power of the peace-speaking blood of Jesus, and His infinite love in dying upon the cross to put away all my transgressions.” —Charles Spurgeon, The Secret of Happiness


When is a time you’ve felt like you’ve had enough and are at the “end of your rope”?

Read 1 Kings 19:1-14. What do you observe about God from this passage? What does this story teach us about who God is, what he cares about, and how he cares for his people?

What were the experiences, expectation, and emotions that led up to Elijah saying, “I have had enough, Lord”? How have you shared some of these same experiences and feelings?

How does the Lord intentionally address Elijah and his present situation?

What does living resilient faith look like in this story?

In what ways can you practice seeing Jesus as more than enough for you? What helps you listen to God in the midst of depression, despair, or difficult circumstances? How can we as a church help one another in listening to God?

What do we need to remember, rejoice in, request, or repent of from this passage?


Spend time praying for an ever growing desire to listen to God through his Word by the power of his Spirit. Ask God for grateful hearts to see his goodness and receive his mercy. Enjoy the truth that God knows you fully and loves you deeply.

Share with your group how they can be praying for you: what is weighing on you from this past week? What are you praising God for from this past week?

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:28-29)