18 Sep

Rooted in the Gospel

Passage: Luke 18:9-17

Speaker: Patrick King


Read Luke 18:9-17. What surprises, encourages, or sparks questions for you? What characters do you resonate with or feel distant from in this passage?

What does this passage teach us about God? How does this passage show us something about the character of God to praise?

In what ways are you most easily tempted to trust in your own righteousness? What false identities are enticing to you to have confidence in?

What is the relationship between the posture and the content for the Pharisee and tax collector as they both pray? In what ways can we cultivate a humble, right posture before God? (Consider Psalm 1, what the righteous life looks like and involves.)

Our purpose at Covenant is: “to make disciples of Jesus who love God and love our neighbors because of Jesus’s love for us.” One practice of ours towards this purpose is being rooted in the gospel. “We are a community shaped by, centered on, and flourishing in the good news of Jesus Christ.” How do you see this happening well at Covenant and in your life individually? In what ways could you see this being done even more in our church family and in your personal life? To see all of our practices, go to https://covenantsd.org/vision-values/

The tax collector prayed, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” He wanted atonement, to be covered. He was vulnerable and honest with God; the posture of a child in need before a good father. The good news of Jesus is that we are so loved that he paid the price of our sin so that we could be made clean and right with God. We are invited to receive this gift with gratitude. How is this posture challenging for you and in what ways is it a great comfort?

What from this passage do you need to remember, rejoice in, request, or repent of?


Share with your group how they can be praying for you: what is weighing on you from this past week? What are you praising God for from this past week?